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Kaal Sarp dosh shanti puja
In a person's horoscope, there could be many auspicious and inauspicious combinations (Yoga)which will have effect ...
Rahu Ketu Shanti Puja
In astrology, Rahu and Ketu are the only planets which always remain face to face in the horoscope, and also can become...
Guru Shanti Puja Japa
According to the scriptures, Jupiter is called Devguru which comes in the best category of auspicious planets. Guru is ...
Nakshatra Gandamool Shanti ...
According to astrology, there are 27 constellations, out of which 6 constellations are called Gandanta.
Kumbha Vivah
Kumbh marriage is necessary for those girls who have Manglik Dosha in their horoscope, due to which, their married life...
Pitra dosh Shanti Puja
In astrology, Pitra Dosh is considered to be the most harmful factor in anyone’s horoscope. Due to Pitra dosh, ma...