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Nakshatra Gandamool Shanti ...
According to astrology, there are 27 constellations, out of which 6 constellations are called Gandanta.
Ram charitramanas path
There are special benefits of reciting Akhand Ramayana if it is recited with rules and accuracy. For example, many time...
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Navagraha Shanti Puja
Navagraha is considered as 9 planets living in a circle. Each planet living in the circle transmits positive and negati...
Shani Chandrama Visha Dosh ...
According to astrology, the conjunction of Saturn and Moon is called Vish Yoga. In astrology, Saturn is considered as a...
Guru Shanti Puja Japa
According to the scriptures, Jupiter is called Devguru which comes in the best category of auspicious planets. Guru is ...
Bhoomi Pujan (Foundation Puja)
Earth is the mother of the whole world, which supports everything. Therefore, before starting any construction work, Bh...